Transcribathon Instructions
Table of contents
On, click the button labeled “Sign in.” Enter the Username and Password you were provided at check-in, then click “Sign In.”
Accessing Projects
When you sign in, you should automatically be redirected to the projects page. If not, click “My Projects” in the upper right-hand corner.
To view a project, click on the project’s name. You will know it is a project name because the text is blue.
Selecting a document
After you have entered a project, click on the document’s name to begin working with it. Note that only 10 documents are displayed per page. You can access the next page through the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page.
A trick for quickly locating documents is to go to the bottom of the page, change “Show 10” to “Show 50,” and then pres Control + F (Command + F on Mac). Then enter the document name in the search bar.
Transcribing a page manually
Once you have entered the document, click on the image you want to transcribe.
You will then see two panels: On the left, you have the original document, and on the right you have lines and bubbles. Click on the top-most bubble to begin transcribing.
You will now receive a text box to begin transcribing. Enter your transcription in the text box. To move on to the next line, press “Enter” or the down arrow. To return to a previous line, press the up arrow.
To exit the transcription panel, click anywhere else on the screen. To navigate to the next page, use the arrow in the upper right-hand corner.
To select a different image, click the “Images” button.
Transcribing automatically
On the screen you use to select images, select all the images you want to transcribe automatically by clicking the black box in the upper left-hand corner of each image.
Once you have selected the images, click the “Transcribe” button.
You will then be asked to select a model and a transcription. For the model, choose whatever you would like. For transcription, select “– New –”. The system may automatically select a different transcription for you, so make sure you change it to “– New –”. Then click transcribe to begin transcribing.
While the document is being transcribed, you will see a flashing yellow bar over the image. Wait for this bar to disappear, and then click on the image to check the automatic transcription.
Find the transcription bar, and use the dropdown to select your transcription. It will be the name of the model you used. If other people have used this model as well, the name may be the name of the model plus the time the process ran.
You can now edit and correct the transcription just as if you were transcribing the document manually. Click on a line to open a panel to start correcting it.